Members (14): Bob A., Bob F., Brandon, Carol, Deb, Ed, Emma, Karen, Liz, Marty, Mike, Patricia, Sue Dana, Taylor.
Guests: Visiting Chester Rotarian John Holme, Ed Grossman, Liza Hussey, and Lucas Harrington (speaker)
• Rotary District Grant: We have been approved for a $1000 District Grant, with a $1000 match by the club, towards the new football bleacher project.
• 2023-24 Dues: Invoices have been emailed. If you have not received an invoice, contact Marty.
• Old Board / New Board: Thank you for outgoing Board members Liz Carey, Carol Cole, and Jim Fog. Welcome President-elect Deb Cox.
• Storm Recovery: BRAT is organizing clean up projects. First Congregation Church needs help unloading buckets. For more info, contact Emma.
• Butterfly Project: Sales began on 7/15. Forms are now available. For more info, contact Karen
• Birthday Greetings: Sue Dowdell (7/1) and Mercedes Smith (7/8)
• Club Website Sponsors: Thank you for website sponsors Dragon Fly Designs, Springfield Family Eyecare, HB Energy, Primerica, and Bean Group. If you or your company would like to take advantage of this advertising opportunity, contact Marty.
•Club Website: Please review your profile on the website. If you need help, contact Marty.
Trex Plastics Challenge Update
The third bench has been ordered. We collected 210 pounds of plastic film towards our goal of another 500 pounds of plastic film. To date, 1,826 pounds of plastic film have been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's, and heading to Trex for recycling. Volunteers are needed to help sort the plastic film at the library. If you can volunteer some time, contact Sue Dowdell.
July 25
No regular Club meeting
July 26
Club Social
August 1
Chester Rotarians
The next board meeting will be Thurs, August 3, 2023, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!
President Emma welcomed all to the July 17, 2023 club meeting held at the Crown Point Country Club.
For our inspirational moment, Liz offered this quote from Carol Burnett: “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.”
Bob F.: SBA setting up in Springfield to help businesses impacted by storm.
Jessica: Jeff Martin doing well.
Jessica: Successful Family Fest.
Karen: Emma's first meeting as president
Karen: Beginning the Butterfly Project.
Karen: Chester Rotarian attending today.
Carol: Changing of the Gavel
Taylor: Successful Hackers Tournament
Sue Dana: Successful Donut Dash
Sue Dana: Emma's presidency
Brandon won $7 but the big pot continues to grow to $24.
Lucas Harrington, Director of Pedigree Operations at Hubbard gave us an informative presentation about chicken genetics at his 100+ year-old company located in Walpole, NH. For more information, visit
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting. However, it is always better to attend. If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...