Rotary BOARD Meeting
Jan. 5, 2023
Black River Coffee Bar
Ed, Emma, Jeff, Karen, Liz, Marty, Sue Dana
Minutes from Dec. 1, 2022 motion to approve: Marty - 2nd Emma; approved
Financials: Detailed discussion about the funds available. Scholarships budget is 2/$2000. Liz motioned to increase the budget to 3/$2000 scholarships. Karen 2nd, motion approved
Nolan Murray Center: We were just sent a contract for rental of the room at Nolan Murray Ctr. The board was under a different expectation that we would make a donation. We will pay the contract of $50.00 per meeting from Nov through Jan, 2023. After that we are hoping to be at Hartness House.
Because of this contract we will need to start charging a meeting/room fee weekly of $5.00 for all members. We will NOT be ordering/picking up or delivering lunches for now. Please feel free to bring your own lunch.
New members will meet at Sherri's for a Fireside chat with Karen, Jeff and Carol: Brandon, Mike, Cheyenne, and Taylor and Bob Adcock next week.
We have until late April to send the district a bill/invoice from The Family Center showing the use of the shelving grant. Karen will take care of this.
Marty will share a presentation next week regarding the recycling program to create a bench. A committee will need to be set up as well.
Next board meeting, Thurs. Feb 2nd, 12noon; Black River Coffee Bar
Meeting adjourned 12:52pm Ed/Emma 2nd