Chartered 1927
Weekly Club Bulletin


Members (10): Bob F.,Buddy, Deb, Ed, Emma, Jeff, Jim, Karen, Marty, Rod
Guests: Chester Rotarians Ed Grossman and John Holme; Alan Englander
• Thanksgiving Food Drive will take place in front of Shaw's on Sat. 11/18 from 9-1. A sign up sheet will be sent out.
• Holiday Party will take place on Sat. Dec 2 at Crown Point Country Club.
• Our last meeting at CPCC will take place next week. Starting 11/7, we will meet in Maebelline's.  Attending member are asked to pay $5 to offset the room charge.  A limited menu will be available that members can buy.
Trex Plastics Challenge Update
We have collected 373 pounds of plastic film towards the 1000 pounds needed for our fifth bench. The fourth bench for the Black River Action Team has been delivered and will be placed soon. So far,  2,501 pounds of plastic film has been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's Supermarket, and heading to Trex Company for recycling. <NOTE: 2000 pounds  = 1 TON>. If you can volunteer some time to help sort at the Library, contact Sue Dowdell.
October 17
Tristan Johnson
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
October 24
No Club Meeting
October 31
No Club Meeting
November 1
Club Social
Location TBA

The next board meeting will be Thurs, Nov. 2, 2023, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!


President Emma welcomed all to the October 10, 2023 club meeting held at the Crown Point Country Club.

President Emma offered an inspirational moment by reading this quote from Harriet Tubman: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world.”



  • Emma: Planning a trip to Maine to celebrate her husband's 30th birthday

  • Jeff: Successful Apple Festival

  • Jeff: Taking a day off tomorrow

  • Jeff: Having a blood pressure of 110/90

  • Karen: Having her daughter visit from Providence.

  • Alan: Enjoyed selling tickets in front of Shaw's


Marty won $5 that he donated to the club. The big pot grew to $76.


Plans for the 69th Annual Penny Sale are moving along. You can bring collected prizes to the 10/10 club meeting. Right now we have about 270 prizes. We will be selling raffle tickets in front of Shaws 10/14 from 9-12 and 10/17 from 3-6. If you can help, contact Pres. Emma. Contact Jeff by 10/12 with names of raffle sponsors. The prize list will be composed on 10/11 at 7PM at Young's Propane. Pizza will be served. More volunteers are needed. For more info, contact Christian.
Volunteers are needed to pick up (7AM) and deliver (7:30AM) prizes on 10/21. Also, need volunteers to set up prizes on bleachers (7:30AM). Members are strongly encouraged to help at the event.  Arrive at 4:30 pm to help.  Boy Scouts will be selling food. After party will take place at Black River Coffee Bar. Pizza will be served. BYOB.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting.  However, it is always better to attend.  If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...
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