Marty's daughter received notice her student loans have been forgiven!
Sue Dana's son, Paul is back at school - one less teenager in the house!
We need speakers for our meetings
Marty won the raffle $3.00 and the grand prize continues to grow $174.00
Next week, feel free to bring a lunch; room fee $5.00 and ideas on speakers!
Calendar 2023
Tuesday, Jan. 24th
Nolan Murray Ctr
President-elect Phil Nadeau Concord Rotary
Wednesday, Feb. 1st
Springfield Rotary Meeting
Jan. 17, 2023
Nolan Murray Center
Members:Brandon, Christian, Deb, Ed, Emma, Liz, Marty, Mike, Rod, Sue Dana
The board is still working on securing the Hartness House for our meetings. Until then we will continue at Nolan Murray, paying a room fee of $50.00/mo.
Welcome to our new members: Bob, Brandon, Cheyenne, Mike, and Taylor
Meet one of our newest members,
Mike Schmitt
Mike hails from San Francisco Bay area and almost 2 years ago he and his partner, Bob, moved their home from Maui to VT! Mike is the proud owner of Black River Coffee Bar here in town. He has traveled the world within the tech business but took time out to venture into famous kitchens and cook with the best! (not to name drop but...Gordon Ramsey...) One of Mike's other hats he wears is a technology consultant. He shared with us his manifesto that he wrote 25 years ago and still follows to this day. Why rotary? He met some of the members and enjoyed their company. Hearing how active our club is intrigued him even more. Mike also serves on the Chamber of Commerce and Planning board. Welcome Mike!