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Rotary BOARD Meeting

April 6, 2023

Sr. Solutions Conference Rm

Members: Carol, Deb, Emma, Ed, Jeff, Karen, Liz, Sue Dana 

Emma motioned to accept March minutes, Ed 2nd, approved
Carol motioned to accept financials, Sue 2nd, approved
Ed motioned to give $1000.00 to Lace UP for Lara scholarship; Jeff 2nd, approved.
Meeting sites offered are:
PVBC but has no storage; BRIC; CPCC until November.
Karen will send an email to members for input.  
4-Way Test committee wasn't able to follow through with the school this year.
Scholarship committee - Ed, Marie, Jim and Bob F. will be reviewing applications soon.
DEI committee needs to look into dissolving Sargent at Arms.  Replace with Moments for sharing/Happy Events
Trex recycling program is going strong.  Bench is ready and another one is coming.
Meeting adjourned, 12:55pm
Next meeting, May 11, 12pm Sr. Solutions


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