Rotary weekly meeting
Feb 7th, 2023
The board has agreed to sign a contract with Nolan Murray Ctr for meetings to be held through April.
The socials have been poorly attended so for now, if we have 5 Tuesdays in a month, we'll take the 5th to be a social. May, 2023 will be our next social
February is literacy month and Union Street School has time slots for us to come into the classrooms and read to the students. Jeff has the sign up sheet. The reading date will be Friday, Feb. 17th.
March 7th we'll induct our newest members: Bob Adcock, Brandon Gulnick, Cheyenne Williams, Mike Schmitt and Taylor Drinker
Governor Scott will come and speak in March - date TBD
4-way test competitors will present at our March 14th meeting
Marty and Ed reported on TREX recycle program. Ed has secured MaGee Auto to provide us with their used plastic. The library will also hold a container for us as well.
Jeff won the raffle $5.00 and the grand prize is up to $186.00
Next board meeting will be Thursday, Mar. 2nd, 12pm @ Black River Coffee Bar. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!