Buddy, Carol, Cas, Ed, Emma, Jeff w/guest Jeff Burhnam, Springfield's new police chief, Jerry, Jim, Karen, Liz, Marty, Patti, Paul, Pete, Rod, Sue Dana w/guest Victoria Alleman, Sue Dowdell and Wayne Russell, ADG
*Butterfly Fundraiser:
We did it! 200 butterflies will be released at Comtu Falls on Fri., Aug 26th 6:30pm
Please join us!
*Penny Sale needs sponsors for large stuffed animals @ $20.00/each. See Buddy for more info.
*House setup: We need members to help setup/take down room banners, badges, music books, raffle tickets etc.
Dues are due. $190.00 for the fiscal year.
*In need of program speakers.
We have Rotary T-Shirts available. If anyone would like one, see Liz.
Wayne Russell and his wife celebrating 25 years of marriage
Jim - 22nd annual Toonervile Trail run, Sept. 17th
Karen - Over 400 lbs of food were donated to kids at YMCA camp for the past 8 weeks. Very successful. Butterfly fundraiser reached it's goal of $2000.00. So thankful for Pete and Hal for being so kind and patience during our golf tournament!
Peter - enjoyed the golf tournament and we didn't lose!
Sue Dana - Paul is back for his 2nd year at VT Tech
Jeff - Thank you for the support of his father. He is improving, slowly. Glad to have a new police chief starting Sept 1st.
Rotary weekly meeting
Aug 23, 2022
Our guest speaker was Trisha Paradis of Springfield Family Center. The club received a $1000.00 grant from the district to give the center for their shelving and storage areas.
She talked about her organization’s 50-year history of providing help for individuals and families to alleviate food insecurity. In the upcoming year, Springfield Family Center will explore additional ways to address food insecurity for school-age children.