Over 60 members of the Springfield Rotary Club, Springfield Chamber of Commerce, and guests attended today's Annual Governor’s Luncheon. Included was Arman Kazaryan, an exchange student at SHS from Ukraine.
March 23
Governor Phil Scott
March 29
4-Way Test Contest
NOTE: Location change to River Valley Tech Center
April 5
Lee Trapeni & Tara Chase, Springfield Supported Housing
April 12
Jennifer Scott & Peg Bolgioni, Southern VT Area Health Education Center
April 19
Corey Mitchell, Green Mt RSVP
April 26
CLUB SOCIAL, 5:30 PM @ Crown Point Country Club
May 3
May 10
Nick Boke, Afghan Refugee Program
May 17
John Claflin, JC’s Deli & Market
The next board meeting will be Thurs, Apr 7, 2022, @ Noon @Springfield Selectboarrd Meeting Room
All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!
MARCH 23, 2022
Let us take a moment in prayer. For our Governor, give him divine wisdom to lead our state of Vermont. Bless his words and his actions in all that he does in serving our wonderful state. For our legislators, give them the knowledge and minds to be able to face the challenges before them in working for the betterment of their people. And for all of us, that we may live and act with good hearts so that we reach out to our family, our friends, and our neighbors, and truly care and love them. We give thanks for food and fellowship this day. Amen.
Governor Phil Scott discussed his
vision for Vermont.
The meeting was covered by WCFR and SAPA TV.
Club President Jim Fog presented a gift to Governor Scott to commemorate the day.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting. However, it is always better to attend. If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...