Members (12): Bob F., Carol, Deb, Ed, Emma, Ethan, Jeff, Joe, Karen, Marty, Patricia, Rod
Guests: Chester Rotarian Bill Dakin, Waterbury Rotarian Jeff Smith, Alan Englander, and Windsor VT Rotarian Courtney Hillhouse (speaker)
• The Thanksgiving Food Drive will take place in front of Shaw's on Sat. 11/18 from 9-1. If possible, 40 turkeys are needed.
• Chester Rotarians are organizing their annual Kurn Hattin Gift Givingin which presents through Santa are provided to to all the students at Kurn Hattin School. The event will take place on December 14. This year Springfield Rotary will donate gifts for 8 boys. Contact President Emma for more details.
• The Club's Holiday Party will take place at the Crown Point Country Club on Saturday, Dec. 2 at 5:30 PM. The cost per person is $30. Please rsvp Patricia.
Trex Plastics Challenge Update
We have collected 694 pounds of plastic film towards the 1000 pounds needed for our fifth bench. So far, 2,822 pounds of plastic film has been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's Supermarket, and heading to Trex Company for recycling. <NOTE: 2000 pounds = 1 TON>. If you can volunteer some time to help sort at the Library, contact Sue Dowdell.
November 21
No club meeting Happy Thanksgiving
November 28
No Club Meeting
November 29
Club Social
Fullerton Inn, Chester, VT
December 2
Club Holiday Party @ 5:30 PM
Crown Point Country Club
December 5
Club Meeting @ noon
Maebelline's Restaurant
The next board meeting will be Thurs, Dec 7, 2023, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!
President Emma welcomed all to the November 14, 2023 club meeting held at Maebelline's Restaurant. President Emma offered an inspirational quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Emma: Family members shot three deer.
Carol: Surprise birthday lunch.
Alan: the fellowship of the club
Karen: Carol's birthday lunch
Karen: Getting ready to go to a warmer place.
Ethan: Glad to be back.
Ehtan: Kids going great in sports.
Courtney won $5 that she donated to the club. The big pot grew to $107.
Courtney Hillhouse, Regional Manager of Building Bright Futures (BBF) of Vermont and President Rotary Club of Windsor VT presented her organization to the club. BBF is Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC) and Network, the mechanism used to advise the Governor and legislature on the well-being of children in the prenatal period through age 8 and their families. Courtney talked about the state's diaper bank which provides diapers and wipes for infants and children, and incontinence products for adults, at no charge, to anyone in need. The program is in trouble following a request for $380,000 in state funding that would include a small paid staff to oversee diaper distribution throughout the state. Instead, the Legislature approved a one-time $100,000 appropriation which will be shared by the state’s parent-child centers including the Springfield Area Parent Child Center. Springfield Rotary Club is considering a diaper drive for April 2024. To learn more about BBF, visit
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting. However, it is always better to attend. If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...