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Springfield Rotary Club BOARD Meeting

May 11, 2023

Sr. Solutions Conference Rm

DRAFT Minutes


MEMBERS PRESENT: Karen, Emma, Jim, Marty, Ed, Jeff, Sue Dana

Minutes: Motion by Marty, seconded by Ed to accept the minutes of the Feb. and April board  meetings. Approved.

Treasurer's Report: Accounts are in good shape with about $10K for end-of-year disbursements. Motion by Jim, seconded by Emma to accept the treasurer's report. Approved. NOTE: Members can contact Ed or Jeff for copy of report.

Old Business:

  • Scholarships: We have received 8 applications. The committee will be meeting on 5/16 to determine the two recipients. We will invite recipients to a club meeting on 6/13.
  • Springfield Family Center: District Grant check for $2,000 will be issued today. Report to district will be sent in next week. NOTE: Emma will present proposal for next year's District grant at next board meeting.

New Business:

  1. Liz will be stepping down as club secretary at the end of this Rotary year. Motion by Emma, seconded by Jim to name Marty as club secretary for 2023-2024.  Approved.
  2. Motion by Jim, seconded by Ed to provide $200 to buy flower boxes for the bridge. Approved.
  3. Motion by Marty, seconded by Ed to donate $200 to Springfield Project Action Team for the purchase of copies of "Bleeding Out" for the upcoming summit. Approved. 
  4. The club will conduct the 69th Annual Springfield Vermont Rotary Club Penny Sale in October.
  5. We will begin selling butterflies on 7/15. Sue will create a form for purchases.
  6. Motion by Marty, seconded by Emma to donate $200 for the summer backpack project at the YMCA.
  7. Emma will present a budget at next board meeting.  Money for the film plastic project will be included.
  8. Jim received an inquiry for the club to provide funds for this year's senior class trip.  No action on our part.

NEXT MEETING: June 8th at Senior Solutions Conference Room.

Motion by Marty, seconded by Jim to adjourn. Approved.



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