MEMBERS PRESENT: Karen, Liz, Jim, Marty, Ed, Jeff, Sue Dana, Emma (via ZOOM)
Minutes: Motion by Marty, seconded by Emma to accept the minutes of the May board meeting. Approved.
Treasurer's Report: Accounts are in good shape with about $7.6K for end-of-year disbursements. Motion by Marty, seconded by Jim to accept the treasurer's report. Approved. NOTE: Members can contact Ed or Jeff for copy of report.
Old Business:
Scholarships: The committee has awarded three $2,000 scholarships. The recipients have been invited to the club meeting on 6/13.
2023-24 Club Budget: Emma presented a draft budget.
Rotary District Grant: Emma will be submitting an application for $1000, with a $1000 match by the club, towards the new football bleacher project.
Board Directors: Emma will solicit two directors to serve on the board.
New Business:
Springfield Public Safety Enhancement Effort Summit: Karen will be representing the club at the June 12th meeting.
YMCA Summer Backpack project: Motion by Jim, seconded by Sue to use $500 from donated funds, as well as an additional $100 towards the project. Approved. NOTE: Board voted to last month to donate $200 for the summer backpack project at the YMCA.
Apple Festival: The Chamber of Commerce has requested volunteers to help park cars at the Apple Festival on October 7th.
95 Books: Karen will plan a presentation to donate 95 books to various entities to commemorate the club’s 95th anniversary.
Club Runner: Jeff will pay bill for upcoming year.
District Golf Tournament: Motion by Jim, seconded by Sue to sponsor one team for $460.
Changing of the Gavel: Invitations will be sent out for this year’s Changing of the Gavel on Thursday, July 6 from 5-7 at the Inn at Weathersfield.
Birthdays: We will remind members to pay $5 to celebrate their birthdays.
Chester Rotary Club: The Chester Rotary Club is experiencing issues with its membership which is down to 7 members. These members have been invited to attend our club meetings.
Liz will continue to coordinate club programs.
Trex Plastics Challenge: We began this project in February. Four months later: (1) The first bench has been installed at The Common. It is dedicated to the club’s 95th anniversary and Eugene Guy. (2) The second bench has been ordered. (3) We have collected 399 pounds towards our goal of 500 pounds for our third bench. (4) We have removed 1488 pounds of plastic film from the waste stream. We are working with: (1) Friends of Springfield Town Library, (2) Union Park Neighborhood Association, and (3) Black River Action Team. Businesses participating in this project include: (1) McGee Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Springfield, (2) Springfield GMC, (3) Springfield Food Co-op, and coming soon… (4) Vermont Beermakers
This is the last Board meeting chaired by President Karen who has done an outstanding job this year. This is also the last Board meeting for Immediate Past President Jim. We thank them for their service above self.
NEXT MEETING: July 13th at Senior Solutions Conference Room.
Motion by Marty, seconded by Jim to adjourn. Approved.