Attendees: Carol, Emma, Jeff, Liz, Marty and Sue Dowdell
Emma led the meeting, as Karen was unable to attend.
Minutes from Aug. meeting were approved.
Marty inquired about the financials before being approved. Scholarships that the club give out to students are sent to the students on a yearly basis.
Many of the club dues have been paid. Liz will send out reminders.
Financials approved.
*Penny Sale- ticket sales coming in; stuffed animals can be sponsored for $20.00 - see Buddy
*PR team asked to send out a press release highlighting all the work the club has done since May. Food Drive, YMCA Backpacks; Little Libraries; Butterfly Release.
*95th Anniversary committee would like to donate 95 books to schools or local centers. Karen has started a book donation program for the Family Place. Adding to this collection could be an option. The club members should discuss.
*The committee will also raise funds for a memorial bench in honor of Eugene Guy. Jessica Martin believes there's a spot near the Blue Star Memorial garden on Main St.
*Food Drive, Sat. Nov 19th - Liz will get in touch with Shaws to confirm date. Box truck needed; Liz will get in touch with Julie Martin to see if it's available.
*District Conference, Sunday, Nov 6th - Karen, Jeff, Emma, Sue Dana and Liz will attend. Would like to see more members join in - live or on zoom.
*DEI survey - Sue Dowdell updated the board on the results of the survey. The consensus is the club needs and wants to discuss in more detail. Keep the conversation going.
Next meeting, Thursday, Oct 13th, 12pm, Town office
Meeting adjourned 12:50pm