Springfield Rotary Club
Tuesdays at noon
Nolan Murray Center (lower level)
38 Pleasant Street
Springfield, VT


Members (14): Bob A.,Bob F., Brandon, Carol, Christian, Ed, Jeff, Karen, Marie, Marty, Mike, Rod, Sue Dowdell, Taylor 
Guests: Chris Maggiolo & Marguerite Dibble (speakers)
  • April 18th will be last meeting at Nolan Murray Center. New meeting location will be announced.
  • Chester Rotary is having a trivia night on Apr 1. 
  • The District Assembly will take place on Apr 29. For more info, contact Karen.
  • We will have a Food Drive in April. Details to follow.
  • You can watch last week's informative presentation by Johnny Gifford about SAPATV by clicking here.
  • Trex Plastics Challenge- Another 39 lbs from the Library + 28 lbs from a neighbor of Marty, means that we have collected 377 lbs of plastic. 
Apr 04, 2023
Hamm Gillet, Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District
Kelly Stettner
Black River Action Team

The next board meeting will be Thurs, Apr 6, 2023, @ Noon in the Conference Room of Senior Solutions.  

All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!

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President Karen welcomed all to the March 28, 2023 club meeting held at Black River Innovation Center.

For our inspiration moment, Christian read a poem by Paul Kendell:

A pizza is a prayer
In its cheesy, bready goodness.
A pizza is a prayer
In its wholeness and welcoming of all toppings
Even strange ones, side by side
A pizza is a prayer
In how each piece, though unique
Stretches out cheesy tendrils as it is pulled away
Not wanting to forget those who stood with it in the scorching flames
A pizza is a prayer
In its bulging bubbles and blackened burns
Showing that the unexpected and pain can be part of a whole
A pizza is a prayer
In being broken to draw together friends.
Marguerite Dibble gave an update on the exciting developments at BRIC, including the launch of the Updated Start-Up Accelerator and its partnership with NASA to Empower Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer.  Chris Maggiolo gave a tour of the facility.
  • Karen: hospitality of Chris & Marguerite at BRIC, seeing Marie at the meeting, attending other meetings with Rotarians, going to Miami next week.
  • Sue Dowdell: Upcoming FOSTL meeting.
  • Marie: attending the meeting at the place she went to high school.
  • Brandon: wife passed citizenship test.
  • Taylor: seeing all the female mentors on the Tech Center Advisory Board.
  • Jeff: seeing Marie and the upcoming visit of his brother.
  • Ed: seeing Marie in person.
  • Marty: holding his beloved 14-year old dog, Mollie, as she passed.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting.  However, it is always better to attend.  If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...


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