President Karen welcomed all to the April 25, 2023 club meeting held at the Crown Point Country Club.
For our inspirational moment, Sue Dowdell offered this quote from artist Edward Giobbi:
"I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth?"
Taylor Drinker, Membership and Events Director of the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce, provided details about the upcoming Green Up Day on 5/6. For more info, click here.
Karen: Returning to CPCC, the successful food drive, and her wedding anniversary.
Ed: Seeing increased attendance.
Emma: 11-month old Evelyn took her first steps.
Jim: Second indoor Farmers Market on 5/13, officiated at his first wedding as a JP.
Bob: Potential funding for two economic development projects.
Deb: Celebrating 90th birthday of her aunt.
Stephen: Tax season is over.
Jeanice: Nephew's Texas wedding.
Cheyenne: Bought her first brand new couch.
Weekly raffle of $7 was won by Jeanice. The pot grows to $234.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of
the meeting. However, it is always better
to attend. If you have any complaints about
the contents of this bulletin...
Members (18): Bob A., Bob F., Carol, Cheyenne, Deb, Ed, Emma, Jeanice, Jim, Karen, Liz, Marty, Mike, Patrice, Paul, Stephen, Sue Dowdell, Taylor
• The Food Drive on Apr, 22 successfully raised 1/2 ton of food and $520.
• Lunch with Governor Scott will take place on May 2 at River Valley Tech Center. Doors will open at 11:30. Check your email for more details.
• Volunteers are needed to help with Track & Field Meet on 4/26. For more info, contact Jim.
• Bike Path Clean Up Day is 4/29 at 8 AM. For more info, contact Jim.
• Police Chief Burnham will be at the Springfield Town Library on Monday, May 1, at 6 p.m. for a community forum.
• First annual Art for a Paws: A Benefit for the Springfield Humane Society on 4/29. For more info, click here.
Trex Plastics Challenge
Our first bench has arrived and the plaque has been ordered, The location will be announced shortly, We have collected 246 pounds towards our second bench. So far, we have removed 807 pounds of plastic from the waste stream.
May 2, 2023
Governor Phil Scott
May 16, 2023
Kathrine Mayer, RN
"Reducing Stigma of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Disorders"