Members (11): Bob F., Ed, Emma, Jeff, Karen, Marty, Patricia, Peter, Rod, Steve, Sue Dana
Guests: Chester Rotarian Bill Dakin, Ed Grossman; Alan Englander, and Windsor VT Rotarian Courtney Hillhouse (speaker)
• Chester Rotarians are organizing their annual Kurn Hattin Gift Givingin which presents through Santa are provided to to all the students at Kurn Hattin School. The event will take place on December 14. Contact President Emma for more details.
• The Annual Luncheon with Governor Scott is being planned for early February.
• We are looking for meeting speakers for Dec. 19 and January, Contact President Emma for more details.
Trex Plastics Challenge Update
We have collected 855 pounds of plastic film towards the 1000 pounds needed for our fifth bench. So far, 2,983 pounds of plastic film has been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's Supermarket, and heading to Trex Company for recycling. <NOTE: 2000 pounds = 1 TON>. If you can volunteer some time to help sort at the Library, contact Sue Dowdell.
The next board meeting will be Thurs, Dec 7, 2023, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!
President Emma welcomed all to the December 5, 2023 club meeting held at Maebelline's Restaurant. President Emma offered an inspirational quote from Winston Churchill: "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Emma: Patty and the Holiday Party.
Patty: Holiday Party.
Alan: Holiday Party.
Karen: Holiday Party.
Karen: Finding a Grinch costume for the Kurn Hatin event.
Karen: Family Thanksgiving at Myrtle Beach and buying a condo there.
Jeff: Holiday Party.
Jeff: Ed having backups for club financials.
Jeff: Attending the Bellows Falls 100th Anniversary
President Emma won $6. The big pot grew to $113.
Club assembly to brainstorm potential Community Projects.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting. However, it is always better to attend. If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...