Chartered 1927
Weekly Club Bulletin


Members (10): Buddy, Carol, Ed, Emma, Jeff, Karen,  Patty, Rod, Sue Dowdell, Taylor
Guests: Chester Rotarians Ed Grossman, Ron Theissen, Jim Holme, Hudsen Hagland, Bill Dakin, Alan Farrar, and Claremont Sugar River Rotarian Kayla Coffran, Alan Englander

• 69th Annual Penny Sale: The event will take place on Sat. 10/21. Turn in your completed raffle tickets. If you need any more, contact Jeff. Emma sent emails this morning about business to contact for prizes. Please get prizes by 10/1. For more info about prizes, contact Pres. Emma. We will be selling raffle tickets in front of Shaws 10/7 and 14 from 9-12;  10/17 from 3-6. If you can help, contact Liz. If you are interested in contributing to the purchase of a stuffed animal for the Penny Sale @$20, contact Buddy.
• 2023-24 Dues: Invoices have been emailed. If you have not received an invoice, contact Marty.

• Crown Point is closing at the end of October. We will have a location for the winter meetings by early October.
• The Holiday Party will be on Friday, December 1st
Standing with Ukraine: The club has donated $100 towards this event on 9/30.


Trex Plastics Challenge Update
The clubhas begun collecting plastic film for towards our goal of 1000 pounds of plastic film for a fifth bench. To date, 2,335 pounds of plastic film has been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's, and heading to Trex for recycling. You can bring your plastic to the Springfield Town Library.Volunteers are needed to help sort the plastic film at the library. If you can volunteer some time, contact Sue Dowdell.
September 19
Roger Allbee, former VT Secretary
of Agriculture

"Turning the Soil 260 Years of Vermont's Agriculture History,"
September 26
Club Social in the home of
Immediate Past President Karen.

The next board meeting will be Thurs, Oct. 5, 2023, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!


President Emma welcomed all to the September 12, 2023 club meeting held at the Crown Point Country Club.

For our inspirational moment,  this quote from Joseph Parry:  "Make new friends and keep the old, those are silver and those are gold”



  • Emma: Had a birthday trip with family to Fenway for a Red Sox Game

  • Jeff: Tomorrow is Lisa’s birthday

  • John: Had a wedding celebration for his grandson

  • Karen: Had a great time at Block Island with friends

  • Buddy: Had a great trip to Maine with family

  • Jim Fog: Had his community theater debut as part of the Puffs cast. The Springfield Community Players had 2 shows over the weekend and it was a great show. There are two more shows this weekend.

  • Jeff: Went to see Puffs and loved it!

  • Kayla: Thank you for holding on to their sweater, thank you for the Ukraine Donation

  • Alan: Happy to be a prospective member of the Springfield Rotary and grateful for the warm welcome


Alan won $4. he big pot grew to $53.


The Chester Rotary inducted Hudsen Hagland (center)  and formally welcomed him to the club. Ed spoke on the values and goals of Rotary and the expectations of membership, as well as the benefits.
President Emma announced that there are two global grant opportunities based on Child and Maternal Health. Both options are for projects in Brazil. One is for breast milk access and the other is for community food access. The club can support both or focus on one.
Classification Talk: Jeff Mobus talked about his upbringing, education, and family as well as his passion for collecting baseball cards.
Thanks to Taylor for taking the meeting notes 
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting.  However, it is always better to attend.  If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...
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