President Karen welcomed all to the April 11, 2023 club meeting held at the Nolan Murray Center.
For our inspirational moment, Sue Dowdell offered this quote from Mark Twain:
“Don’t you know what that is? It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”
Janine Silva Escobar, Mentor Coordinator for Windsor County Mentors told us about her organization and the need for mentors to help kids 5-18. For more info, visit
Karen: Ed donating the funds for renting the "Stuff A Truck", Marty collecting plastic, Janine for speaking, and Karen for dressing up as a bunny.
Sue Dana: RVTC's excellent showing at Skills Conference.
Jeff: Daughters cooked him Easter dinner
Taylor: Bought a new red Subaru.
Weekly raffle of $5 was won by Karen. The pot grows to $222.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting. However, it is always better to attend. If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...
Members (13): Carol, Cheyenne, Ed, Jeff, Karen, Liz, Marty, Mike, Paul, Rod, Sue Dana, Sue Dowdell, Taylor
Guests: Janine Silva Escobar (speaker)
• April 18th will be last meeting at Nolan Murray Center. We will return to Crown Point Country Club on April 25th.
• The District Assembly will take place on Apr 29. For more info, contact Karen.
• We will have a Food Drive on Apr, 22 from 9-1 in front of Shaw's. Karen will bring a sign up sheet next week.
• Green Up Day will take place on May 6.
• Literacy Project will take place in May at Elm Street Elementary School. Jeff will bring sign up sheet next week.
•Library will be hosting "Ask your Police Chief" forum on 5/1 @ 5 PM
Trex Plastics Challenge
Another 123 lbs from Springfield GMC and McGee CDJR of Springfield means that we have collected 561 lbs of plastic! Our first bench has been ordered from TREX. We will continue to collect towards our next 500 lbs.