Members (18): Bob A, Bob F, Brandon, Carol, Cheyenne, Deb, Ed, Emma, Frank, Jeff, Jim, Karen, Marty, Peter, Rod, Sue Dana, Sue Dowdell, Taylor
Guests: Visiting Rotarian Jeff Smith, Olivia Savage, Char Osterland, Walter Martone, and speakers: Katie Mayer, James Holmgren, and Michael Johnson
• The Literacy Project at Elm Hill concludes this week. There are two slots still open. Contact Jeff to get a book.
• Actions by Board -funding for flower boxes, Springfield Project Action Summit, and YMCA Summer Food Backpacks.
•Library is planting a garden for the community.
• Last home track meet is tomorrow. Come to the track if you can help.
• Day of Belonging will take place on Friday from 5-7. For more info, click here.
Trex Plastics Challenge
We did it again! We picked up another 109 pounds of plastic film from the Springfield Town Library and the Springfield Food Co-op towards our goal of another 500 pounds. It was delivered to Shaw's Supermarket and on its way to Trex Company for recycling. So far, we have removed 1089 pounds of plastic from the waste system. As we start towards our goal of another 500 pounds, Union Neighborhood Park Association has signed up as a sponsor.
May 23
Club Committee Discussions
May 30
No regular club meeting
May 31
CLUB SOCIAL, 5:30 PM @ Crown Point Country Club
June 6
Sue Fortier, YMCA Lewis Day Camp
June 13
Scholarship Recipients
June 20
Anne Eddy, Springfield Humane Society
The next board meeting will be Thurs, June 8, 2023,
@ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room.
All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!
President Karen welcomed all to the May 16, 2023 club meeting held at the Crown Point Country Club.
For our inspirational moment, Sue Dowdell offered this quote from Jack Ma:
Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.
James Holmgren, Katie Mayer, and Brandon Gulnick discussed ways to reduce the stigma of mental health and substance use disorders, as part of the Leadership Recovery Community Partnership Project. Michael Johnson (not photoed) from Turning Point also offered some thoughts.
Karen: today's attendance and her upcoming walk for the National Alliance for Mental Illness.
Sue Dowdell: Her mom is out of hospital.
Taylor: The Humane Society plant sale was a success.
Jeff: He didn't injure himself cleaning out the Family Center building. Also, reading to Elm School class.
Jim: Looking forward to the Outdoor Famers Market on June 1. Also, the success of the track team.
Sue Dana: Paul is home.
Carol: transitioning to the Bean Group.
Frank: Fun Utah skiing trip.
Deb: Reading to kids at Elm Hill.
Weekly raffle of $9 was won by Bob F., which was fitting since it is his birthday. The pot grows to $251.
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting. However, it is always better to attend. If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...