Springfield Rotary Club Board Meeting
Mar. 3, 2023
Black River Coffee Bar DRAFT Minutes
Members Present: Jim, Ed, Carol, Emma, Sue Dana, Karen, Jeff, Marty
Guest: Deb Cox
Acceptance of Feb. 2 Minutes - tabled.
Financials - Over $10,000 available for projects. Full financial report is available upon request. Motion by Marty, seconded by Jim to accept report passed unanimously.
Old Business:
New member inductions will take place during 3/7 club meeting.
Club meetings will take place at Nolin Murray Center through the end of April.
Scholarships: After consulting Rotary International, it has been confirmed that a family member of a Rotarian is not eligible for a club scholarship.
4-way test speech contest - we planned for applicants to compete at 3/14 club meeting. We will endeavor to seek applicants. The District's semi-finals is scheduled for 3/17.
Trex Plastic Recycling Challenge - To date, we have collected 129 pounds (26%) towards our goal of 500 pounds. There has been good outreach through the Springfield Reporter and social media. A lot of positive feedback has been received.
New Business:
Keith Carey had a successful surgery and is heading home The club sends best wishes for a speedy recovery.
District Image Awards: we have submitted the nomination form for club recognition.
District Grant: we are prepared to give Springfield Family Center $2,000 for the purchase of shelving.
The literacy project was very successful at Union Street Elementary School. We will be scheduling times to read for Elm Street Elementary School in April or May.
Food Drive - postal workers will not be able to participate in Spring food drive. We will schedule a food drive for late April.
Green Up Day - We will volunteer to participate at annual event held on 5/6 this year.
Next board meeting: April 6 in the conference room of Senior Solutions.
Motion by Ed, seconded by Jim to adjourn passed unanimously.