2022 was full of giving and we will strive to make 2023 even more full!
Springfield Rotary Club
Tuesdays at noon
Nolan Murray Center - lower level
38 Pleasant St., Springfield, VT
Members: Christian, Deb, Ed, Jeff, Jim, Karen, Liz, Marty, Mike, Patti, Paul, Rod, Steve, Sue Dana, Sue Dowdell.
Please fill out strategic plan survey to assist the library.
Don't forget to ORDER your lunch from JC's or bring your own to each meeting. Lunch orders email to JCs by noon on each Monday. JCsmarketanddeli@gmail.com
Happy Birthday to:
Suzy Coutemarch
We need SPEAKERS. Please contact Liz when you have a person or group wishing to speak.
Jim's family enjoyed 4 different celebrations over the holidays.
Marty and his wife had both their daughters and families for the holidays. Busy neighborhood parties as well.
Jeff -Everyone cleared of COVID so they were able to have Christmas yesterday!
Paul thanked Karen for hosting such a great party.
Deb's grandson is moving up at Edgar May with his swim lessons and loves it!
Sue Dowdell proud the library has received it's sustainability grant. Gardens, and 3 little libraries are planned.
Patti enjoyed Karen's party but the best gift was having her dad and granddaughter, Izzy, together at Christmas.
Rotary weekly meeting
Jan. 3, 2023
Karen reviewed our projects and success this past year: 1st ever Butterfly launch; Little lending libraries; grant for Family Center shelving; YMCA food backpacks for kids; food drives; Penny sale; holiday celebration. Many projects completed, many to go: 95th anniversary, recycled bench project; literacy in our schools; and building the shelving at the family center.
Jan. 10th
Jan. 17th
Wed, Jan. 25th
Club social, 5:30pm
Sherri's Place
Marty won the raffle $5.00 and the grand prize is up to $167.00...you are not seeing things! Marty continues to play and win!
Next board meeting will be Thursday, Jan 5th, 12pm at Black River Coffee Bar. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!