Chartered 1927
Weekly Club Bulletin


Members (12): Carol, Deb, Ed, Emma, Jeff, Karen, Marty, Patricia, Rod, Steve, Sue Dana, Sue Dowdell
Guests:  Chester Rotarians Ed Grossman & Ron Theissen; Amber Albee, Ryan Jennings, Jill Lawrence, Kim McCloud, and Laura Wango (speaker)
• The Chester Rotary's annual Kurn Hattin Gift Giving will take place on December 14. Sue Dana will be serving as Mrs. Claus and Karen will be the Grinch. Contact President Emma for more details.
• We are looking for meeting speakers for January and February. Contact President Emma for more details.
• Springfield Family Center's 4th Annual Basket Raffle Fundraiser IS ON! For more more, visit
Trex Plastics Challenge Update
We have collected 919 pounds of plastic film towards the 1000 pounds needed for our fifth bench. So far, 3,047 pounds of plastic film has been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's Supermarket, and heading to Trex Company for recycling. <NOTE: 2000 pounds = 1 TON>. If you can volunteer some time to help sort at the Library, contact Sue Dowdell.
December 19
Sue Dowdell
2024 Homeless Awareness Day
December 26
No meeting - Merry Christmas!
January 2
No meeting - Happy New Year!

The next board meeting will be Thurs, Jan. 4, 2024, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!


President Emma welcomed all to the December 12, 2023 club meeting held at Maebelline's Restaurant. President Emma offered an inspirational quote from Alexander The Great: "There is nothing impossible to him who will try."



  • Emma: Attended a Bruins game with her hubby.

  • Jeff: Attended Bellows Falls Rotary's 100th Anniversary Celebration.

  • Ryan: Community Bank partnered successfully with Santa Claus Club.

  • Sue Dana: Successful fundraiser by Rockingham Pet Clinic gave $400 to Senior Solutions' Foxy Fund.


Amber won $5. The big pot grew to $118.


Susan Wargo, District Director, Family Services Division (FSD) of the VT Department for Children and Families (DCF)  gave a presentation about the work of FSD. FSD is currently caring for 45 foster children in the Springfield area. There is a need for more foster parents and for volunteers to provide respite for foster parents. To learn more, visit
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting.  However, it is always better to attend.  If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...
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