Ham Gillet, Outreach Coordinator for the Southern Windsor/Windham County Solid Waste Management District presented a slide show featuring how the town of Gilford, NH, serving as the central collection hub, is teaming up with participating Rotary Clubs throughout New Hampshire in the collecting and shipping to Gilford, #6 recyclable foam.
There, the foam is melted down into reusable plastic ingots for making a wide variety of environmentally safe products such as building materials, molding, picture frames, etc. This foam, otherwise known as Expanded Polystyrene Styrofoam, is a hard to recycle material that most towns and solid waste centers do not accept. EPS foam can be easily identified by looking for the #6 recycle symbol embossed somewhere on the product.
Rotary club’s involvement is in the setting up of foam collection events, place collection bins at designated locations within their communities, or working with neighboring communities on a multi-town collection day. Once collected, the foam is shipped to Gilford for processing. This is a great way for the environmentally conscious to help reduce polystyrene from polluting our waterways, highways and landscapes.
For more information, contact Ham or visit https://www.gilfordnh.org/file/2845/Foam_Trifold.pdf