Minutes from June 7, 2022: motion to accept by Ed; 2nd by Carol, approved
Financials: Jeff went over the fees and dues needed for this new year. 2022/23 dues will be $190.00 per member. Jim made motion to approve, Ed 2nd; approved.
Old Business:
Penny Sale: Ed is working on the banner as well as getting in touch with Scott Decker to rent chairs. Can we reach out to the booster club to serve food? Ed will connect with Buddy regarding tickets, index cards and other materials. Jim will organize student runners. Need 3 MC's hoping for Peter, Paul and Frank. Liz will connect with Marie G. about the exchange table and balloons. Penny Sale is Sat. Oct 22nd, 6pm; doors open at 5pm.
Butterfly release is going well. Over 100 butterfly sponsors have come in. Our goal is 300.
FOSTL has a live auction on Friday, July 21st from 5:00 to 8:00pm. The online auction is going well, but we need more bids for some of the libraries.https://www.32auctions.com/FOSTL2022
Committees: Karen will hold a zoom meeting with the committee chairs. Need to fill some gaps in each avenue of service.
The PR team, Emma, Cas, Rod and Marty are working on a program/celebration for our 95 years as a club.
New Business: Sue Dana and Marty Cohn were voted in unanimously onto the board! Welcome!
Springfield Chamber of Commerce needs people to help with the Apple Blossom Festival. Specifically with parking. Karen will reach out to Taylor of CC to see about asking the Lions Club to help as well.
We are looking into a memorial to recognize the dedicated Rotarian that Eugene Guy was. His commitment to the town as well as Rotary will be missed.
Meeting place and time were discussed. For now we will stay at CPCC, lunch at 12pm, meeting at 12:15 with presentations at 12:30pm
Presentation speakers and classification talks need to be scheduled. Looking for members to participate.
Liz motioned to close the meeting; Jim 2nd. Meeting adjourned 1:10pm