Board Meetings
1st Thursday of the month, 12 pm
Town Hall
Bob, Carol, Ed, Emma, Jeff, Jerry, Jim, Liz, Marty
Sat. Jan 29th
Shaw's 9am to 3pm to sell raffle tickets
Wed. Feb. 16th
Live Raffle drawing at CPCC
JANUARY 13TH, 2022
Motion to accept minutes by Carol, 2nd by Bob
Motion to accept financials by Carol, 2nd by Bob
New member leads from Jeff and Emma are in the works.
Looking for presenters for our weekly meetings. We are currently looking for presenters for March.
Bob is in touch with Gov. Scott's office and when the environment is clear, he'll set up a visit.
Sat. Jan. 29th, 9 am to 3 pm at Shaw's to sell raffle tickets. Let Liz know what shift you can cover.
Wed. Feb. 16th will be the raffle drawing at CPCC. Facebook Live, 6 pm social with the drawing at 7 pm.
Club meetings to continue in person. Liz will connect with CPCC to see if zoom options are available as well.
DG John Bob to visit on Feb. 8th, 2022
4-way Speech contest information sent to SHS by Bob. This year's prizes will be $100/$75/$50 Deadline is March 21st.
Marty, Emma, and Rod met this week to propose creating Little Lending Libraries. Sue Dowdell and the library are on board.
Marty has updated the website, he taught Liz how to use club runner to send out bulletins.
Each member has a profile. When you have time, hop on the site and update your info. The directory is a very helpful tool.
September is the 95th anniversary of our club. Look through your archives to see if you have any memories to share.
Next board meeting, Thursday, Feb. 3rd, noon @ Town Hall.
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7