Springfield Rotary Club
Tuesdays at noon
Crown Point Country Club
155 Golf Course Rd
Springfield, VT


Buddy, Carol, Cas, Ed, Frank,  Jeff, Jerry, Karen, Liz, Marty, Mercedes, Paul, Peter, Rod, Scott, Steve, Sue Dana, Sue Dowdell  Guests: Brandon Golnick, Weathersfield Town Manager; Mike Schmitt of Black River Coffee Bar, Taylor Drinker, Chamber of Commerce, Renee Hebert and Cheyenne Williams of M&T Bank.
Penny sale is here!
Club social next Wednesday
Last meeting at CPCC, Tues. Nov 1st.
Nov. 6th District meeting
Food Drive for Springfield Family Center will be Sat. Nov 19th at Shaw's.
We need SPEAKERS.  Please contact Liz when you have a person or group wishing to speak.
  • Karen enjoyed her weekend with her twin sister.  Happy to see all the guests.
  • Buddy ended up watching all 3 grandkids hockey games from 8am to 7pm on Sat.
  • Peter's car in FL. as been found - wrecked, but found.
  • Jerry spent 9 days in Texas with his youngest son training to become a certified storm assessor.
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Rotary weekly meeting

Oct 18th, 2022

Our speaker today was VINE Sanctuary, representative, pattrice jones.
pattrice shared how much the 4 way test in rotary correlates to how VINE sanctuary lives their truth with animals.  They offer many educational programs for our local students as well as world-wild classroom seminars.  Take time to read their website and see all the efforts they put into this sanctuary.
President, Karen Longo with pattrice jones of VINE Sanctuary
Is it the TRUTH
Is it Fair to ALL Concerned
Will it build Goodwill & Better Friendships
Will it be Beneficial to ALL Concerned
Oct 26
@ Crown Point Country Club
Nov. 1st
Club assembly
Nov. 3rd
Board Meeting
Town offices
Nov. 6th
District Meeting
Cas won the raffle $12.00 and the grand prize is up to $133.00
Next board meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 12pm at the town offices. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!


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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7