Carol, Emma & Evelyn, Jeff , Jim, Karen, Liz, Marty, Sue Dana
Old Business: Motion was made to amend the previous minutes in include web advertising approved and FB administrators changed. Jim motioned/Sue 2nd, approved.
Carol requested the club to sponsor the golf event. $100.00 per person. Since there are two teams, club will contribute half the fees ($400.00)
Marty has reached out to members to sponsor ads on the website. These sponsorships will offset the cost of the website dues.
Lending Library project raised $2800.00 for FOSTL youth programs and equipment. Cost to the club was $500.00
Karen has sent committee heads goal setting plans and asking that they get together with their committees.
Chamber has asked rotary to assist with parking at the Apple Festival. Chamber will also ask the Lions club to assist. Sat. Oct. 8th, 2022
Butterfly release, Friday, Aug 26th. Sales going well, close to $2000.00
Grant for family center shelving was approved.
Nov. 6th District conference in Killington, VT. Available to attend in person or virtually.
Jim asked for $500.00 to sponsor Toonerville Trail 5K, Sept 17th. Approved