Margot Holmes, Springfield Area Parent Child Center
March 22
4-Way Test Contest
March 29
CLUB SOCIAL, 5:30 PM @ Crown Point Country Club
April 5
Lee Trapeni & Tara Chase, Springfield Supported Housing
April 12
Jennifer Scott & Peg Bolgioni, Southern VT Area Health Education Center
April 19
Corey Mitchell, Green Mt RSVP
April 26
CLUB SOCIAL, 5:30 PM @ Crown Point Country Club
May 3
May 10
Nick Boke, Afghan Refugee Program
May 17
John Clark, JC’s Deli & Market
All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!
Next board meeting will be Thurs, Apr 7, 2022, @ Noon @Springfield Selectboarrd Meeting Room
MARCH 3, 2022
Minutes from Feb. 3, 2022: Ed made a motion to accept that was seconded by Josh; approved.
Membership: Two prospective members attended our last meeting. Three members will have their outstanding dues paid by our next meeting.
Financials: Jeff reported we sold $12,190 in tickets with about $700 in expenses
leaving $4K for scholarships and $2500 to the club. Motion to approve financial report was made by Josh and seconded by Ed; report approved.
Programs: Speakers are planned through May (see the list on left). Carol suggested we bring back classification talks from our members. A committee for programs needs to be created as well. Liz asked about program speakers and our backup plan when someone cancels. This week
we ended up canceling our weekly meeting. In the future, Liz will follow up with our speakers a
few days out instead of the day before. This will allow us to make a new plan and not cancel
our meetings.
4-way speech contest: Bob is in contact with Becky Nadeau at SHS and Jim is working with the students on the essays. Sue asked about reaching out to homeschool students. Bob will get the information to Sue to share with homeschool students. The presentation of speeches will be on Tuesday, March 22 @ noon at CPCC
New Business
Jim shared an email from the district regarding RI DEI commitment. Jeff assured Jim that the email is a confirmation of the process in place to resolve issues members may have during personal conflicts.
Jim requested we send money to SHS food shelf. Steve Lawrence is running the program. Motion by Ed, seconded by Liz to donate $300, Jim will let Jeff know who to make the check out to.
SOM requested $200 for flowers. Motion by Josh, seconded by Karen; approved.
Garden club looking to partner with Rotary on a project. Liz to follow up with Deanna Dexter to see what they have planned and how we can help.
Clean-Up Day is May 7th
Marty reported on behalf of Rod that the Little Free Library project is underway. Tom Hernon and Rod picked up the materials and delivered them to the volunteers who will build the libraries. Marty has purchased plaques to show our Rotary sponsorship.
Marty, Rod, and Emma are our PR team and have had many articles printed in local papers. A "Club In The News" notebook has been created.
Only a third of our members are using our website, opening emails, and reading the bulletins. Member profiles need to be updated so that the directory is useful. We will make an effort to go over how to access these sites to keep everyone informed.
Rotary’s project from years past was to have club signs put at the entrance to town. They are outdated and some clubs don’t exist any longer. We’ll look into creating new signs that are current and appealing.
Karen introduced a fundraiser “butterfly release” as a memorial to all the family and friends we have lost over the past few years. Karen has done this before, has made contact with all the groups that can make this happen. Jessica Martin is working with Karen to have the sales of the butterflies take place during the August concerts at Comtu Falls park with the live butterfly release to happen on Friday, Aug. 26.
In support of Ukraine, Ludlow Rotary is hosting a lasagna dinner on Sat. Mar. 17 Please consider attending or sending funds to Ludlow Rotary.
SHS has an exchange student from
Ukraine. Jim will reach out to the host family to see if there is anything the student may need.
Motion to adjourn by Bob motioned; seconded by Josh. Approved at 12:50 pm