Chartered 1927
Weekly Club Bulletin


Members (11): Bob F., Buddy, Carol, Christian, Deb, Emma, Jeff, Joe, Liz, Marty,  Sue Dana, Sue Dowdell,
Guests: Chester Rotarians Ed Grossman, Alan Farrar; Nyack, NY Rotarian Alan Englander, Stephen Clark (SBA), Lori Litner & Mark Boutwell, speakers
• 2023-24 Dues: Invoices have been emailed. If you have not received an invoice, contact Marty.
• Butterfly Project: We will be selling butterflies at Friday's Concert on the Comtu. NOTE: We have sold 115/200 to date. The butterflies will be released on Friday with a rain date of Saturday at noon. Readers are needed. For more info, contact Karen
Club Website: Please review your profile on the website.  If you need help, contact Marty.
• Next week's club social will take place in the home of Immediate Past President Karen. BYOB.
Trex Plastics Challenge Update
We collected 491 pounds of plastic film towards our goal of another 500 pounds of plastic film for our fourth bench. To date, 2,107 pounds of plastic film have been removed from the waste stream, delivered to Shaw's, and heading to Trex for recycling. Volunteers are needed to help sort the plastic film at the library. If you can volunteer some time, contact Sue Dowdell.
August 29
Club Social @ the home of Immediate Past President Karen

The next board meeting will be Thurs, Sept. 7, 2023, @ Noon @ Senior Solutions Conference Room. All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!


President Emma welcomed all to the August 22, 2023 club meeting held at the Crown Point Country Club.

For our inspirational moment, Sue Dowdell offered this quote from Brené Brown “The opposite of scarcity is not abundance; the opposite of scarcity is simply enough. Empathy is not finite, and compassion is not a pizza with eight slices. When you practice empathy and compassion with someone, there is not less of these qualities to go around. There’s more. Love is the last thing we need to ration in this world. The refugee in Syria doesn’t benefit more if you conserve your kindness only for her and withhold it from your neighbor who’s going through a divorce. Yes, perspective is critical. But I’m a firm believer that complaining is okay as long as we piss and moan with a little perspective. Hurt is hurt, and every time we honor our own struggle and the struggles of others by responding with empathy and compassion, the healing that results affects all of us.”

Song of the Day: America the Beautiful


  • Emma: Going on a Donut Tour in Portland, ME with her sister

  • Jeff: Joe Sorrentino attending today's meeting.

  • Jeff: His son Jim and Brie settling in Cody, Wyoming

  • Deb: Her daughter's 10th wedding anniversary

  • Deb: Taking care of grandkids while her daughter celebrates wedding anniversary.

  • Sue Dana: Both kids are off to college.

  • Carol: A good Rotary District Golf Tournament

  • Bob: His brother's first visit since pandemic.

  • Alan: Happy to be invited to attend club meeting.


Sue Dana won $4. The big pot grew to $44.

Jessica was surprised that Sue's number was pulled by her own guest.



We learned about the services of Senior Solutions from Lori Litner, Operations Director and Mark Boutwell, Executive Director. For more information, visit
This bulletin attempts to give a gist of the meeting.  However, it is always better to attend.  If you have any complaints about the contents of this bulletin...
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