Members:Buddy, Carol, Christian, Cheyenne, Debra, Ed, Emma, Jeff, Jerry, Liz, Marty, Mike, Paul, Rod, Steve and Sue Dana. Speaker Phil Nadeau and our District Governor, Randell Barclay!
We need SPEAKERS. Please contact Liz when you have a person or group wishing to speak.
Sue Dana's daughter, Emma, had an interview with her 1st choice college. The professor called her gingerbread castle a masterpiece!
Marty's granddaughter celebrated her 1st birthday
Buddy made it to 2 hockey games for his granddaughter...starting his day at 5:45am!
Jeff let us know Springfield has hired it's 11th police officer, getting closer to 24/hr day staffing. Jeff's dad took a turn and ended up back in the intensive care but is bouncing back.
Liz is so thankful for Ed. Always supporting her efforts and covering her @#$ when fines arise!
Carol is happy to be back, noticed she left in a snow storm and returned to one!
Mike's sweet 3 yr. old pup, Tito (insert long Hawaiian name) is healing and acting like a puppy again after being very ill.
Debra's inauguration of the pastor of her church was a perfect event.
Randell welcomed a new club, Franklin Falls; A rotaract group is forming and there seems to be a lot of interest. Youth Exchange alumni are also coming together with Randell's leadership.
Christian's 10 yr. old daughter, Maddie, rode up the ski lift on Magic Mt by herself and...rode it back down!
Paul Nadeau is happy to be speaking in front of DG Randell and sharing his experience with TREX project.
Rotary weekly meeting
Jan. 24th, 2023
The board is still looking for a meeting location. At this point, Carol will reach out to Nolan Murray about a donation of $25.00/month
February is literacy month and Union Street School has time slots for us to come into the classrooms and read to the students. Jeff has the sign up sheet. The reading date will be Friday, Feb. 17th.
Our speaker today was president elect, Phil Nadeau from Concord, NH. DG Randell Barclay joined the meeting as well. We had a great turn out and learned more about the recycling TREX program.
Wednesday, Feb 1st
Sherri's Place
Tuesday, Feb. 7th
Tuesday, Feb. 14th
SHS Madrigals perform
Tuesday, Feb. 22nd
Wednesday, March 1st
Sherri's Place
Carol won the raffle $6.00 and the grand prize is up to $181.00
Next board meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 12pm @ Black River Coffee Bar.All members are welcome to all board meetings, your input is valued, please come!