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Springfield Rotary Club BOARD Meeting
July 14, 2023
Sr. Solutions Conference Rm
DRAFT Minutes 
MEMBERS PRESENT: Emma, Deb, Karen, Ed, Marty
Minutes: Motion by Marty, seconded by Deb to accept the minutes of the June board meeting. Approved.
Treasurer's Report: Tabled.
Old Business:
  • July 15th Family Event: We will find out at 10 am if the event is happening. Volunteers are needed.
  • Chester Club: Emma has received some feedback. She will follow up with Chester Rotary to have more information. Decisions do not need to be rushed.
  • Rotary District Grant: Emma applied for $1000, with a $1000 match by the club, towards the new football bleacher project. District will be making announcements next week.
  • Board Directors: Emma is still looking for two directors to serve on the board.
  • Trex Plastics Challenge: We began this project in February.  Five months later: (1) The first bench has been installed at The Common. It is dedicated to the club’s 95th anniversary and Eugene Guy. (2) The second bench has been installed at The Common. It is dedicated to the club’s 95th anniversary and Friends of Springfield Town Library. (3) The third bench has been ordered. (4) We have removed 1799 pounds of plastic film from the waste stream. We are working with: (1) Friends of Springfield Town Library, (2) Union Park Neighborhood Association, and (3) Black River Action Team. Businesses participating in this project include: (1) McGee Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Springfield, (2) Springfield GMC, (3) Springfield Food Co-op, and hopefully coming soon… (4) Vermont Beermakers. The success of the project is putting a strain on the library. We need to solicit help from members to sort the plastic.  Karen will contact Scott Farr to see if the school can be involved. Marty will be presenting the project to the Leominster MA Rotary Club.
  • YMCA Summer Backpack project: Karen reported that the first weeks of the project have been well received.
  • 95 Books: Karen will plan a presentation to donate 95 books to various entities to commemorate the club’s 95th anniversary.
New Business:
  1. The board recognized the service of Jim Fog, Carol Cole, and Liz Carey as they have left the board. It welcomed Deb as the president-elect.
  2. Storm clean up project: Black River Action Team is organizing clean-up crews for Ludlow.  Pres. Emma will update as plans become firmer.
  3. 2023-24 Dues: Marty will send out invoices to members.
  4. Club Runner: Marty has updated the list of club officers. We need to remind members to update their membership information.
  5. Upcoming Programs: 7/18 – Lucas Harrington, Hubbard Breeders; 7/25 No club meeting; 7/26 Club social at CPCC; 8/1 President Emma
NEXT MEETING: August 3 at Senior Solutions Conference Room.
Motion by Marty, seconded by Ed to adjourn at 1:05 PM. Approved.


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